Monday, July 23, 2012

Sweet Pea

I was in the bathroom and trying to convince Morgan to go see her Daddy in the living room, so I could go to the bathroom, alone, but she didn't want to leave.  I said, "can't Mommy go potty by herself?" and she said, "but Mommy, I worry about you and I love you.  When I don't see you, I miss you."  I had to finish up, wash hands, and give her a big hug for being such a sweetie.  She was just so serious about not wanting to be away from me and I felt so bad for even asking her.  I know it's not the healthiest thing, but it was a very touching sentiment, nonetheless.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

GrandMommy's Favorite Gift Ever

Copied from Facebook:
Morgan made this "drawing" for my mom, who cannot see, so she can feel the jewels...she placed the jewels all by herself! :) It's a picture of my mom's bird with an egg and a sparkly sky. My mom said it was the best present she ever received. *sniff* :)