Sunday, October 30, 2011


When we're in the car, Morgan will often pick a song that she wants to hear over and over and she asks me to put it "on repeat". I was singing her songs at bedtime and she asked for some new songs. I started singing "You Are My Sunshine" and she said, "ok, I want you sing that song again...on repeat"...ha!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Kiddie Park

I had been putting off our trip to Kiddie Park, because I honestly thought it looked really run down on their website and reminded me of the rickety rides of a shady carnival.  However, I was pleasantly surprised when we went, today, and I'm sorry I ever doubted the place!  Morgan LOVED it and was even saying, "I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!" as she was walking around, looking at everything.  We had a really wonderful day.  We had a "car picnic", and she was so happy to be sitting in the front seat, next to me, eating her lunch that I packed.  We were listening to music and singing along, together and it was such a beautiful moment for me.  A lot of times, she tells me that I can't sing the song or she wants to sing by herself, but I told her, "music is for singing along with, that's the whole point!" and so we started singing "I C U" (a They Might Be Giants song).  Her little face was so sweet when she was looking at me and we were singing together. :)

She enjoyed every single ride and loved the ferris wheel.  She also climbed up the big inflatable slide, after several unsuccessful tries.  Once she got the hang of it, she went up and down and up and down and slid and slid and had a blast!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stop playing!

As usual, the funny stuff happens when I'm trying to out Morgan to bed...

She has been asking for a "little milk" the past few nights and I told her it was time to go to bed and she was saying, "no, it's time for a little milk" and I thought it was funny and I tickled her and said she was being a little Stinker Winker Bear and she said, "Mommy! Stop tickling me! Stop playing with me, it's time for sleep!"  I said, "Oh, Morgan, what am I going to do with you?" and she said, "get me some milk!"

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


The funnier things of the day often happen when I'm putting Morgan to bed...

She was making this clicking sound with her tongue/mouth and I told her to stop making that noise, so she could go to sleep and she said, "what clicking sound?"  I made the same click-click-click sound with my mouth and she said, "Shhh, Mommy! No clicking!" 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lunchtime Comedy

The 3 of us were eating lunch and Greg and I were talking about tutors and Morgan said, "oh yeah, like with my milk"...We said, "what?" and she said, "when I drink my milk, I'm a little 'tooter'...I get a little tootie"...We about spit out our food and I was crying I was laughing so hard!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Last night, Morgan said she wanted to make up a song and I was instructed to sing along...

"Acorn, acorn, acorn...acorn...happy acorn...
pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin, happy pumpkin...
Circle, circle, circle, happy circle...
Square, square, square, happy square...
Triangle, triangle, triangle, happy triangle...
Rectangle, rectangle, rectangle, happy rectangle..."