Sunday, July 31, 2011
I promise, she has other friends!
Morgan walked in, earlier, and said she was playing "Hide and Go Seek" with her friend, "Little Seed", which was a seed she had picked up in the yard. She said, "he's my BEST FRIEND and I'm playing with him!" Ha, I promise, she has plenty of friends...
Common Phrases
Here are some of her common phrases, at the moment: (most of them are very Toddler-esque...)
"No, I can do it, by MYSELF!"
(If I tell her she needs to get down off a chair, or stop doing something dangerous...)
"NO, I don't want to be SAFE!"
Also in response to being told something she doesn't want to hear...
"No, Mommy, that's not nice to people!"
She'll get mad and kick something, like a chair or the wall, and then say, "I'm going to Time Out!"
"No, I can do it, by MYSELF!"
(If I tell her she needs to get down off a chair, or stop doing something dangerous...)
"NO, I don't want to be SAFE!"
Also in response to being told something she doesn't want to hear...
"No, Mommy, that's not nice to people!"
She'll get mad and kick something, like a chair or the wall, and then say, "I'm going to Time Out!"
Morgan has been saying this for a long time, but I just remembered to write about it. Sometimes, when she gives me a hug, she squeezes me really tight and says an exaggerated "squeeze", that sounds like, "SKA-WEEEEEEEEEEZ!" When she says it, I say, "SKA-WEEEEEEEZ" with her and we squeeze each other tight. :)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
We had a playdate this morning and Morgan asked who was coming and I told her that Miss Rachel and Emily were coming and that maybe Miss Lily and Lucas would come, too. Lily and Lucas weren't able to make it, so later on at lunch, Morgan told me, "Miss Rachel and Emily came to play" and she had a big grin, and then she said, "Miss Lily and Lucas didn't come to play, though" and she had a sad frown. Then, she perked up and said, "I know, I can draw a picture of Miss Lily and Lucas!"
A little guilty...
A lot of times, when Morgan asks to watch a DVD, I will go and get on the computer and/or check Facebook. Today, she was watching one of her "shows" and I decided, instead, to sit down next to her, while she was sitting in her Tinkerbell chair. At first, she was glued to the TV and didn't really acknowledge my presence, but then, she looked over and grabbed me and gave me a huge squeeze and said, "Mommyyyyyy!" and was so glad I was there...I was simultaneously filled with joy and guilt.
So much love!
Conversation with Morgan, this morning:
Morgan: Mommy, can I give my Dolly to my friends, this morning?
Me: You mean you want to share Dolly, with your friends?
Morgan: Yes, my friends love soft dollies. I would love to share with them. My friends love dollies and my friends love, me, TOO! Mommy, I love YOU!
Morgan: Mommy, can I give my Dolly to my friends, this morning?
Me: You mean you want to share Dolly, with your friends?
Morgan: Yes, my friends love soft dollies. I would love to share with them. My friends love dollies and my friends love, me, TOO! Mommy, I love YOU!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Little mice...
I was rocking Morgan in the chair and she told me that there was this little mouse who lived in a hole in her wall, and he hurt her back. I asked her if that was from a show and she said Dora, but I don't remember that episode. Anyway, I told her that I would patch up the hole in the wall, so the mouse wouldn't come through and hurt her back. I asked her to show me where the hole was, and she pointed and I pretended to patch it up. We went back to rocking in the chair, and she said, "Where did the mouse go?" I told her that I patched up the hole, so he had to go in the front yard. She said she wanted to play with him in the front yard and the back yard and that she would like to go on the slide with him, and swing. Then she said, "I want to go swimming with the little mouse and he could wear a little, little, little, little bathing suit!" I said that sounded like a lot of fun. I put her in the crib and she said, "Oh, my little mouse friend is on the floor, can you get him, please?" So, I scooped up her "mouse friend" and put him next to her in the crib. She said, "the mouse needs a pillow" and I gave him a pillow. She said, "oh, wait, the pillow doesn't have ladybugs on it" and I told her that the pillow had ladybugs and Hello Kitty on it, just like hers. The she said, "oh, but there are 10 mice..." I said, "Oh, OK, well let me make some more pillows, and I pinched my fingers together, like I was making tiny pillows and she said, "I'll make some, too" and we proceeded to "make" 10 little pillows and we gave them to the mice. I said, "Ohhhhh K, now it's time for you and your 10 mice friends, and all your babies to go to sleep." She said, "sing us some songs..." I sang her a couple of songs and then she said, "We need to tell Daddy that I have 10 mice friends."
I'm sure he'll be thrilled... ;)
I'm sure he'll be thrilled... ;)
I was telling Morgan that it was time to put on pajamas and she said, "But, I don't WANT to" and every time I had asked her to do something, she said, "But..." I said, "No more 'buts'" and she said, "BUT...I love you!" Oooh, well played, Morgan, well played...
I guess we need more rain...
Morgan and I were painting and she wanted to paint a picture of the back yard, so she said, "we need brown, yellow and a little green..." Yes, our lawn is looking a little dry...
Future environmentalist?
We were driving home and Morgan saw a truck and said, "That truck makes me sad." I asked her why it made her sad, and she said, "the steam coming out of the truck makes me saaaaaad." Hmm, I wonder if she watched a show on pollution, or something...
Monday, July 25, 2011
I think she might like Chuck E. Cheese...
I was trying to think of what to do, today, and I asked Morgan if she wanted to go to the Wildlife Ranch and she said, "No, thank you." I thought about it and asked, "Oh, do you want to go to Chuck E. Cheese's?" and she said, "Yes! Yes!" and she jumped up and down. She said, "I LOVE Chuck E. Cheese's! I'm going to Chuck E. Cheese's and I'm going to dance with Chuck E. Cheese and I'm going to say hello to Chuck E. Cheese and I'm going to ride the carousel and sit on the horse!" I guess she might like Chuck E. Cheese's, just a little... ;)
Rice Cream!
Morgan likes to smush the back of her fork, or spoon, into her rice and then lick it off and she calls it "rice cream". :)
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Can do attitude!
Greg asked Morgan to test something out on the tablet, for him, and she said, "Why yes, I sure can!"
Friday, July 22, 2011
Quick rebounder
Morgan was building a "robot" out of magnet on the fridge, and she took it apart and pretended to be sad and said, "Oh, no, Mommy, my robot is gone!" She frowned and sighed. I told her she could make a new one, and she said, in an excited voice, "I can?! OK!!" and all was well with the world...
Thursday, July 21, 2011
How can you argue with that logic?
I told Morgan she should stop drinking her milk, because her belly was full and she said, "No, it isn't...I'm still drinking!" I guess I can't argue with that...
That's a new one...
I was resting my head on the arm of the couch and Morgan was on the Snuggler, next to the couch. She leaned over to talk to me and she said, "your forehead is so clean!" That's a new compliment for the books! :)
2-in-1 Pillow
I couldn't decide which pillow I wanted to make first, for Morgan...the Ladybug or Hello Kitty...
So, I just made a double-sided pillow. I asked her if she wanted to sleep on it like she was in a big-girl bed, and she said, "No." and proceeded to snuggle up with it, like it was another one of her babies.
So, I just made a double-sided pillow. I asked her if she wanted to sleep on it like she was in a big-girl bed, and she said, "No." and proceeded to snuggle up with it, like it was another one of her babies.
That's a lot!
I was giving Morgan a fresh Pull-Up and I told her that it was really wet. I asked, "How many times did you go pee-pee in this Pull-Up?" She started counting, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! 10 times!"
I attempted a new recipe for pancakes and they didn't quite come out right. The first one burnt a little, on the griddle. Morgan tasted it and told Greg, "it's not good, Daddy". I got out a different non-stick pan and made some more and gave Morgan one. She wasn't too excited to try another one after the first one, but she changed her mind and decided to try one. She took a bite, looked up at me and said, "Hey! There's no burnt on it!" and gave me a smile of encouragement. :)
Morning Morgan
Morgan woke up early, and was calling for me. I think she might have been having a bad dream. I brought her to bed with us, but as usual, she was talking and wiggling and asking for things. I got up to get her some milk and after she drank her milk, she quieted down and I think she dozed off for a second. I opened one eye and saw her eyes were closed and then she opened her eyes. She saw that I was looking at her and she cupped my face with her hand and said, softly, "I love you" and gave me a sweet smile. *heart melt* This is how toddlers clean the slate, after waking their mommies and daddies early. ;)
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The Stalling-est Baby Ever!
OK, I know "stalling-est" is not a word, but Morgan sure does know how to stall when it's time for bed!
Here is a little recap of the reasons I was called back into Morgan's room, after putting her to bed: (these are all from tonight and I can't even remember them all...)
"Mommy! Mommy! I need a foot stool for my bed!"
"Mommy! I need a chair to put in my crib!"
"Mommy! I need a door in my crib!"
"I need something..." I ask what, and she says, "Um, I need..." (obviously trying to make something up...)
"Sing me a song! No, slow down, you have to sing it slowly!" (I was on song 24, so I was singing a bit fast...)
"Mommy! Help Me!" I come in and ask what's wrong, and she says, "My babies are messed up, can you put one under my hip?"
"It's hot, can you blow on my hair?"
"Mommy! One of my babies is stuck!"
"Mommmmmmmy! I need a pillow!" (She has never had a pillow in her life, but tried one at a friend's house, today...) I told her that I bought material and would be making her 2 pillows, tomorrow, and she said, "what kind?" and my head about exploded. I told her that I got Hello Kitty and ladybug material and she said, "Oooh, yeah, I want a ladybug pillow. Can I have it, now?" I explain that I haven't made it. She says, "OK, I will have it, tomorrow, thank you."
Here is a little recap of the reasons I was called back into Morgan's room, after putting her to bed: (these are all from tonight and I can't even remember them all...)
"Mommy! Mommy! I need a foot stool for my bed!"
"Mommy! I need a chair to put in my crib!"
"Mommy! I need a door in my crib!"
"I need something..." I ask what, and she says, "Um, I need..." (obviously trying to make something up...)
"Sing me a song! No, slow down, you have to sing it slowly!" (I was on song 24, so I was singing a bit fast...)
"Mommy! Help Me!" I come in and ask what's wrong, and she says, "My babies are messed up, can you put one under my hip?"
"It's hot, can you blow on my hair?"
"Mommy! One of my babies is stuck!"
"Mommmmmmmy! I need a pillow!" (She has never had a pillow in her life, but tried one at a friend's house, today...) I told her that I bought material and would be making her 2 pillows, tomorrow, and she said, "what kind?" and my head about exploded. I told her that I got Hello Kitty and ladybug material and she said, "Oooh, yeah, I want a ladybug pillow. Can I have it, now?" I explain that I haven't made it. She says, "OK, I will have it, tomorrow, thank you."
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Laughing is good, most of the time...
Morgan pinched me on the cheek, a little too hard, and I said, "ouch!" and frowned. She laughed and I said, "when you hurt someone, don't laugh, say you're sorry," and she said, "But, Mommy, I want to laugh all the time!"
Saturday, July 16, 2011
It's Not
Ha! GrandDaddy said to Morgan, "Uh, Oh, do we have some boogies?" and she said, "No, it's snot" and she was completely unaware of her joke.
Mio Mao
I found this show called "Mio & Mao" which is a claymation show about an orange cat and a white cat. Morgan makes us pretend to be Mio & Mao. She will only answer to Mio and if I call her Morgan, she says, "I'm not Morgan..." She does this with other characters, sometimes, too. We were on our way to GrandDaddy's house and she said that he would be GrandDaddy Kitty. Then she asked me what color kitty he'd be, since I was orange and she was white. I asked her what color she wanted him to be and she said, "Brown. I like that color. It's a good color." :)
Dreaming of giraffes
After nap, she was talking about a giraffe and I asked her if it was from a dream. She said yes, and that it was too tall for her to ride on and so she had to have Daddy put her up on the giraffe. Then she said, "I wish I could dreamm, more..." I told her she could dream tonight, when she goes to sleep and at naptime and that she could even daydream, but I think she was a little confused by that.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Morgan "Likes" Mustard
When Morgan eats something with mustard, she makes the funniest faces and says, "Ewww, sour!" I always tell her that she doesn't have to eat the mustard, but she says, "no, I want to dip my food in it" and continues eating, making a sourpuss face every time!
Update: Aw, I feel terrible! Morgan apparently ate too much mustard and threw up. :( Poor baby...I guess mustard does not like her...
Update: Aw, I feel terrible! Morgan apparently ate too much mustard and threw up. :( Poor baby...I guess mustard does not like her...
So Nice!
This morning, Morgan came up and asked me for a juice box (she doesn't get juice boxes very often). I told her that I was finishing my breakfast and that after I was done, I would wash my hands and go get her a juice box. She said, "You WILL? That is so NICE of you!" It's nice to hear her repeating the nice things I say to her.
(Sometimes I hear back the not-so-nice things, like "Put that down! No, don't touch that!"...)
(Sometimes I hear back the not-so-nice things, like "Put that down! No, don't touch that!"...)
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Such a Sweetie!
I cannot get over how much of a sweetie pie Morgan is...Greg just brought her over to me for "one more kiss" before bed, and she touched her hand to my face and said, "I love you, Mommy" with such a sweetness in her voice that makes my heart swell. I love that little cutie so much!
What a good memory!
We had a playdate, today, with 13 kiddos. At dinner, Greg asked Morgan who all came to the playdate. She seemed shy about answering, so I figured she couldn't remember them all and I started listing them all out. I listed 12 kids' names and then she said, "No, one more..." I said, "Hmm, no, I think I listed them all..." I asked, "Who did I forget?" and she said, "Brody" and I about fell on the floor! She doesn't see Brody very often, and it amazed me that she was able to keep track in her head of all the kids who came, enough to notice who I had forgotten to list.
We were eating dinner at my parents' house and my mom wanted the cockatiel to go in the other room, "so we can eat in peace", and Morgan got a confused look on her face and said, "GrandMommy, we're not eating PEAS!"
Dance like this!
I wish I had my video camera handy for this one!
Lucas, Morgan's friend, does this little dance when he hears the Thomas the Train theme, where he shrugs his shoulders one at a time. We were eating in the kitchen and we look over and I see Morgan doing the dance and Lucas is saying, "like this!" and then Morgan said, "I'm doing it! I'm doing it!" It was SO cute!
Update: I was able to get a little video of Morgan doing the "Lucas" dance...
Lucas, Morgan's friend, does this little dance when he hears the Thomas the Train theme, where he shrugs his shoulders one at a time. We were eating in the kitchen and we look over and I see Morgan doing the dance and Lucas is saying, "like this!" and then Morgan said, "I'm doing it! I'm doing it!" It was SO cute!
Update: I was able to get a little video of Morgan doing the "Lucas" dance...
Ice cream makes everything better...
The other day, I tripped and fell and I was telling Morgan about it when she asked me to do something and I told her I was sore. She said, "oh, I'll be right back..." She came back after a few seconds and said, "here, here's some ice cream to make you feel better" and handed me an imaginary bowl, and a spoon. Then, she gave me a "scoop" of imaginary ice cream. I tasted it and said, "Mmm, yummy, thank you!" Then, she said, "Hmm, I think I'm sore, too, and I need a bowl of ice cream."
This morning, she accidentally poked me in the eye, and I said, "what do we tell someone when we accidentally hurt them?" I was expecting her to say, "I'm sorry", but she said, "Here you go, here's some ice cream to make you feel better." Ha!
This morning, she accidentally poked me in the eye, and I said, "what do we tell someone when we accidentally hurt them?" I was expecting her to say, "I'm sorry", but she said, "Here you go, here's some ice cream to make you feel better." Ha!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
In her own little world...
While I was putting the cookie dough on the cookie sheet, Morgan was in the kitchen, lying on the floor, lining up some rubber duckies and some wooden animal shapes. I tuned into what she was saying and it went something like this:
"Hi, froggy, are you a swimmer? Wow, that's great, I'm a swimmer, too!"
"Hello, ducky, are you also a swimmer? That is WONDERful! You are my best swimmer in the world."
"Hello, my friends, ducky, froggy, monkey, flamingo...we are all swimmers, and you are my good friends and the best swimmers."
I have no idea where any of this came from...maybe from a show she was watching earlier? Either way, it made me chuckle and smile.
"Hi, froggy, are you a swimmer? Wow, that's great, I'm a swimmer, too!"
"Hello, ducky, are you also a swimmer? That is WONDERful! You are my best swimmer in the world."
"Hello, my friends, ducky, froggy, monkey, flamingo...we are all swimmers, and you are my good friends and the best swimmers."
I have no idea where any of this came from...maybe from a show she was watching earlier? Either way, it made me chuckle and smile.
Motherhood is a Rollercoaster...
We were running a bit behind, this evening, and Morgan wanted to read books in the living room. I told her that we could, but we'd have to skip reading books in her room and go straight to rocking in the chair. She agreed, but when I sat down with her in the chair and started to rock her, instead of reading, she started bawling. I know it was because she was really tired, so I told her we could read one book and then rock in the chair. We read our book and I threw in an extra one, just because, and then we proceeded to rock in the chair. She often says, "hold me!" if I don't have my arms fully around her, and then I will wrap them all around her. I gave her an extra tight squeeze and she said, "I loooooove you, Mommy." I said, "I love you, too, Mimi" and she gave me a big squeeze of a hug, back. It's just so funny how she can go from tears squirting out of her face, to being more lovable than I could ever imagine. :)
Sun rays through the clouds...
Yesterday, I took Morgan to Target to get some new sunglasses and when we were leaving, the sun was shining down through some clouds. It's one of my favorite sights and I stopped the cart, and took off Morgan's sunglasses and told her to look towards the sky. I said, "Look, Morgan, the sun rays are shining through the clouds. That's one of Mommy's favorite things. Isn't it nice?" She said, "Oh, yes, Mommy, it's beautiful!" Oh, happy moments... :)
OK to Wake!
Morgan had been waking up a few times at night, asking for random things, so I was looking for something to help let her know when it was sleepy time and when it was OK to call for me, to get up. I found the OK to Wake! clock and so far, it's working! It glows at the time you set as being "OK to Wake" and it also has a nap timer. I explained to Morgan that when the clock glows, it's OK to call for Mommy.
The first night, we set it for 7:00, which I know was pushing it a little, since she had been waking up around 5:30/6, but her usual final wake-up time would be 7:15 or so. I heard her make a little noise at 6:50 and I watched her on the video monitor. She rolled around a bit, but didn't look at the clock. She had slept through the night, though, so I think she got the message that she was supposed to sleep all night long. She called me at 6:59 and I went in and told her we had to wait one more minute, before getting out of the crib. For a second, she balked, but then the clock lit up and she was so excited! I told her the clock lights up as its way of saying, "good morning". Greg came in the room and she exclaimed, "the clock told me 'Good Morning'!"
Yesterday, I set the nap timer for 2 hours and 15 minutes, and she slept 2 1/2 hours, so that went well.
Last night, I set it for 6:45 a.m., to be more realistic. I saw her stir around 6:40, but she didn't say anything. Then, at 6:45, she said, "Mooooommy! It's morrrrrrning!" I went in and she gasped and said, "Look, Mommy, it's GLOWING! It's morning time!!" You would have thought she was getting a visit from Dora or Elmo, with the way she was so excited. :)
Oh, she did wake up once last night, though, but it was because one of her "babies" got wedged in the crib and she needed me to get her out. Either way, the new clock has been a success! :)
The first night, we set it for 7:00, which I know was pushing it a little, since she had been waking up around 5:30/6, but her usual final wake-up time would be 7:15 or so. I heard her make a little noise at 6:50 and I watched her on the video monitor. She rolled around a bit, but didn't look at the clock. She had slept through the night, though, so I think she got the message that she was supposed to sleep all night long. She called me at 6:59 and I went in and told her we had to wait one more minute, before getting out of the crib. For a second, she balked, but then the clock lit up and she was so excited! I told her the clock lights up as its way of saying, "good morning". Greg came in the room and she exclaimed, "the clock told me 'Good Morning'!"
Yesterday, I set the nap timer for 2 hours and 15 minutes, and she slept 2 1/2 hours, so that went well.
Last night, I set it for 6:45 a.m., to be more realistic. I saw her stir around 6:40, but she didn't say anything. Then, at 6:45, she said, "Mooooommy! It's morrrrrrning!" I went in and she gasped and said, "Look, Mommy, it's GLOWING! It's morning time!!" You would have thought she was getting a visit from Dora or Elmo, with the way she was so excited. :)
Oh, she did wake up once last night, though, but it was because one of her "babies" got wedged in the crib and she needed me to get her out. Either way, the new clock has been a success! :)
Monday, July 11, 2011
Pee Pee in the Po-Tee!
When Morgan goes in the potty, we sing a little ditty of "pee pee in the po-tty!" to the tune of "you don't win friends with salad", from The Simpsons.
No offense to my vegetarian/vegan friends, of course. ;)
No offense to my vegetarian/vegan friends, of course. ;)
Can't put anything past her...
Morgan has many, many "babies" that she sleeps with...Bunny Kitty, Green Kitty, Red Kitty, Elmo, Dolly, Llama, Chuck E., Tweety and Purple Bunny. Dolly is her #1 best friend.
Since Dolly is her most beloved, she suffers the most wear and tear. When I first bought Dolly, I bought 3 of them, so I could have 2 to swap out and wash, and one for my parents' house. I've been swapping them out for a long time, and she has never made a fuss. She knows there are multiple Dolly dolls, since one lives at GrandDaddy's, but we never discussed the fact that there are multiple Dolly dolls in our own house.
Anyway, even with the rotation, the Dolly dolls were getting a little worn, so I ordered 2 more off Amazon. She has been sleeping with them for about a week now, but as I was putting her to sleep, I said, "here's Dolly", and she said, "That's not Dolly." I said, "Yes, it is..." She said, "no", but she didn't really seem upset or anything, so I asked, "Who is it, if you don't think it's Dolly", and she said, "a new Dolly".
Gasp! The jig is up!
Oh well, I just told her that I bought a new Dolly, because I needed to wash the other one and she was fine with it and snuggled up with her Dolly. I think she just wanted to let me know that she knew it wasn't "the" Dolly. :)
Since Dolly is her most beloved, she suffers the most wear and tear. When I first bought Dolly, I bought 3 of them, so I could have 2 to swap out and wash, and one for my parents' house. I've been swapping them out for a long time, and she has never made a fuss. She knows there are multiple Dolly dolls, since one lives at GrandDaddy's, but we never discussed the fact that there are multiple Dolly dolls in our own house.
Anyway, even with the rotation, the Dolly dolls were getting a little worn, so I ordered 2 more off Amazon. She has been sleeping with them for about a week now, but as I was putting her to sleep, I said, "here's Dolly", and she said, "That's not Dolly." I said, "Yes, it is..." She said, "no", but she didn't really seem upset or anything, so I asked, "Who is it, if you don't think it's Dolly", and she said, "a new Dolly".
Gasp! The jig is up!
Oh well, I just told her that I bought a new Dolly, because I needed to wash the other one and she was fine with it and snuggled up with her Dolly. I think she just wanted to let me know that she knew it wasn't "the" Dolly. :)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
So considerate of Mommy's feelings...
I bought an allergen-free bread stick mix and they did not come out very good. Morgan ate one and smiled and said, "Mmm, it's good!" I went into the pantry to throw something away and she said, "Daddy, can you get me out of the chair. They don't really taste very good..." Aw, she didn't want to hurt my feelings...
Monday, July 4, 2011
Honest Babe
I found a recipe for sweet potato muffins and I made a batch for Morgan. I gave her one and I noticed she put it in the middle of the table. I asked, "why aren't you eating your sweet potato muffin?" and she said, "Because they aren't yummy." She didn't say it in a mean way, but she was just speaking the truth and Greg and I were cracking up!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
I'm Mad!
Morgan has this thing, now, where she gets upset about something and runs around and says, "I'm mad!" Her friends were over, today, and she they wouldn't share a toy, she said, "I'm mad! I'm really, really mad!" and she was running around. She came into the kitchen and I asked her why she was mad and she said, "I can't talk right now...I'm too mad!" I was making a point to take her seriously, but inside I was cracking up. It was just too cute!
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