Saturday, August 6, 2011

No Nap!

We went to McKenna this morning, and I was putting Morgan down for nap.  I thought all was well, and went to go take a little snooze, myself.  I glance up at the monitor and I see her undoing the clasps on the bedrail and sliding out of the crib.  I meet her in the hallway, just as she has opened her door.  (She was previously unable to twist the doorknob.)  She said, "I opened my 'cage', got out of the crib and opened the door and I'm NOT taking a NAP!"  (She was pretending she was a kitty in a cage, by the way...we do not put her in a cage...)

I tried to convince her to nap, but to no avail.  She saw the disappointment on my face and asked, "Mommy, are you happy?"  I said I was happy, but I was a little tired.  She said, "But, Mommy, I just love you!" and she gave me a big smile.  I love that little Stinker!

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