Friday, December 2, 2011


She called for me to lie in bed with her last night. She sat up at just before 7:00 a.m. and said, "It's a constellation! It's the big dipper! There is a Big Dipper in the When I Grow Up book, just like on 'Little Bear'!"

Apparently, in her sleep she had a revelation and realized that the image on her Dora When I Grow Up page where they talk about Isa wanting to be an astronaut, is the same constellation that they show on an episode of "Little Bear".  The constellations are not identified in the Dora book, but they do talk about the names on the 'Little Bear' episode.  She totally blew my mind that she put that all together - in her sleep, even!

(I asked Greg if he had pointed out the connection between her book and the show's episode, but he had not and my dad doesn't even have that Dora book, so she did it all by herself!)

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