Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Little Sweetie

Morgan has been such a sweetie, tonight!

I took her outside to see the moon and she said, "Mommy, how can I get up to the sky? I wish I could go up to the sky and get a star and then I would give it to you as a present." *sniff*

Morgan set up two pillows and two blankets on the floor and she said she set up a "sleepover" for us. I was on the floor with her and she looked over at me, patted me on the head and said, "You're nice. I like you a lot." *double sniff*

We were getting ready for bed, and normally I have to chase her all over the world to get her to get on the bed for pajamas. Tonight, she lay right down on the bed and said, "I'm laying down for my pajamas!" I said, "Wow!" and she said, "I'm being such a good listener!"

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